Thanks to my  friends and customers who have allowed me to show the following dogs

Double Click on photo or name for more details!!!!!

Gilda Delle Fiabe

Owner: All. Delle Fiabe (Italy)


"Special Premier - Genova 2004"

(Bassano Del Grappa 2006)


Owner: Maltoni Mirna (Italy)

Wenrick's Legendary Man

Owner: All. Delle Fiabe (Italy)

Novi Grad   19-06- 2004

Portoroz - 20-06-2004

(Zagreb 2006)

Showcase Aiko

Owner: All. Showcase (Italy)

(Erba 13-12-2009)

Rebecca Rose Aramis

Owner: Boarin Patrizia (Italy)

45° Milan International Dog Show -24.01.2010

Delle Fiabe Hollywood Magic Tale

Owner: Arleo Gianni (Italy)


other dogs!!!!!! 



di  Marilena Filogrosso

 Corso Alba 131/H -14100-ASTI (I)

Tel. e Fax:   +39 0 141 353447     cell.: +393477443344 - +393332385566 +393473208991



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lunedì 12 agosto 2024 15:57:57


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